Tipton County Chamber awarded a grant for Sharpsville mural project
The mural in Sharpsville will help to capitalize on the recent revitalization efforts and continue momentum
Contact: Kegan Schmicker | director@tiptonchamber.org | 765-675-7533
Tipton County Chamber awarded a grant for Sharpsville mural project
The mural in Sharpsville will help to capitalize on the recent revitalization efforts and continue momentum
TIPTON (May 10, 2022) — The Tipton County Chamber has been awarded a grant from the Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC) in the amount of $5,000 to complete a mural in Sharpsville, IN. The IDDC launched this grant funding round to help promote tourism across the state and celebrate various communities across the state. Sharpsville will be one of 49 public art projects completed through this project from the IDDC.
"Projects selected were based on location and visibility to Indiana residents and visitors," Elaine Bedel, IDDC's Secretary and CEO said. "The hope is to create photo opportunities while promoting Indiana."
This project required that the artist completing the mural was an Indiana native, and this project will be using Koda Witsken who has completed murals for the NCAA, Children’s Museum, Colts, Pacers, Zionsville, Elwood, and many others. The Tipton County Chamber has partnered with The Arts Federation, which is the regional arts council that includes Tipton County. Furthermore, the project has recruited Sharpsville native, Tanner Fernung, to serve as an apprentice on the project.
“We knew that the other communities in Tipton County often felt left out and we wanted to do something intentional about that”, stated Kegan Schmicker, Executive Director of the Tipton County Chamber. “These small projects may not seem like much on the surface, but the tried and true strategy to building a great community is through placemaking and community development. We are hopeful this project will help Sharpsville continue its revitalization momentum.”
The project will require local fundraising to raise the remaining funds for the mural project. The total estimated budget for this project is estimated to be $15,000, which includes items that could be donated in-kind. The Tipton County Chamber will be partnering with the newly established Tipton County Chamber Foundation to raise this money. Any donations can be mailed to the Tipton County Chamber Foundation at 119 W. Madison St., Tipton, IN 46072 and add “Mural” in the memo.
The project is estimated to be completed in the month of September 2022. The Tipton County Chamber will provide project updates as they become available.
Tipton County Chamber of Commerce is a local non-profit championing leadership development, community marketing, advocacy, entrepreneurship, and workforce development. Our team is committed to building a prosperous Tipton County and looks forward to the exciting successes of our members. For more information, please visit www.tiptonchamber.org

Additional Info
Media Contact : Kegan Schmicker | 765-675-7533